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NEWS - 2023

Loghi regione Lombardia

VMC has continuously been investing in the use of renewable energy for production of tights and socks and this also applies to the internal services of the company.
In November 2022 we applied for and were awarded the Lombardy region tender: 

Programma operativo Regionale 2014-2020 obbiettivo “Investimenti in favore della crescita dell'occupazione" (cofinanziato con il FESR).

Asse Prioritario III - Promuovere la competitività delle piccole medie imprese.

Azione III 3.c.1.1 - Aiuti per investimenti in macchinari, impianti e beni intangibili, e accompagnamento dei processi di riorganizzazione e ristrutturazione aziendale.


in attuazione della D.G.R n. XI/6307 del 26 aprile 2022 e

della D.G.R. n. XI/7071 del 3 ottobre 2022


with which an enhancement of the energy efficiency level in the site of Castel Goffredo began.
In June 2023 a new photovoltaic implant with a productive capacity of 43 K/Watt hour was installed on top of our offices and at the same time warehouse traditional lighting system was replaced with new high-efficiency LED devices.  
Thanks to the integration of domotics systems we are now able to fully monitor the photovoltaic implant activity and optimize use of generated energy.
Another innovation within our sustainability policy consists in the purchase of the company car Tesla Model Y Long Range, an electric vehicle powered through a charging station linked to our photovoltaic implant.
These investments represent a further step ahead of the "green technology" adopted by VMC in 2007 and which is not going to stop here, as more investments are on the way.

Progetto con gli studenti di ITS Machina Lonati

A gennaio 2023 VMC-Vignoni ha aderito con entusiasmo ad un progetto unico per il settore calze e collant, in sinergia con gli studenti dell’Istituto ITS Machina Lonati.

In particolare, abbiamo avviato con la Classe Stilista Tecnologico 2 una bellissima collaborazione, che ha permesso di unire la creatività degli studenti con la nostra esperienza nella calzetteria.


I calzini in cotone fanno parte del progetto "Calzini Spaiati 365 Giorni l'Anno": incentrato sul tema dell'inclusività, celebra la diversità e l'individualità di ognuno di noi. Siamo orgogliosi di far parte di un'iniziativa che promuova l'accettazione e la valorizzazione delle differenze.


I collant stampati affrontano invece temi sensibili legati al passaggio adolescenziale. La collezione si ispira alle esperienze, alle emozioni e alle sfide che i giovani affrontano durante questa fase della crescita. Siamo felici di aver contribuito a creare prodotti che li possa accompagnare durante questa trasformazione.


Gli studenti si sono impegnati notevolmente per i mesi successivi fino ad arrivare alla serata della moda 2023 del Gruppo Foppa, dove Vignoni ha avuto l'onore di vedere i prodotti sfilare sulle modelle.

2023 Eco-Factory Declaration


“Meow” tights: comfort and practicality with non-slip grip for your babies' movements

Are you looking for cotton non-slip tights for your children? We have the perfect solution for you! We introduce you to our new babies’ cotton tights, characterized by an innovative design with non-slip grips both on the front part of the leg and under the foot.

Main features:
- High quality material: our tights are made of soft and breathable cotton and are ideal for delicate babies’ skin.
- Non-slip grip: leg and foot grips allow for better adherence and stability while your baby is learning to crawl or walk.
- Captivating design: our tights are available in a range of colours which both parents and kids will love.
- Comfortable wearability: optimal comfort.

Don’t miss the chance to provide your children with comfort and safety on his/her first adventures!

VMC and knitting: production control in one app

The operational efficiency of the weaving department is typically controlled by a client/server software developed by the machine supplier. VMC's goal was to expand its functionalities through an intelligent and mobile product in order to have a comprehensive overview of production and machines both inside and outside the factory, with easily navigable data.

The solution is an Android App developed by VMC's IT Manager, fully customizable by the user, providing a complete picture of the knitting rooms and informing about machine status, efficiency, activity, and productivity.

A simple tap will provide a graphical and textual overview of the knitting rooms, allowing users to filter each machine by style, size, color, cycle time, production order, on/off status, and stop time. Push notifications can be enabled for this data, so that the mobile device alerts the user when specific conditions occur.

Distributed to Department Managers at each company facility, Production Managers, and Managing Directors, this solution will contribute to promptly addressing the smooth operation and efficiency of the knitting rooms.

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